The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step


I don’t have any answer to this riddle of violence

May be an image of fire, lighting and candle holder

John Roedel

we are watching warfare play out on tik tok
we are live-tweeting during the fall of Rome

we are building our echo chambers on YouTube
we are bloodletting through a camera of a drone

I have never believed that the devil exists
but I no longer have the luxury of being aloof;

as our indifference toward this wheel of hate
for me, has become a convincing article of proof

~ evil isn’t always an open, slobbering and screaming mouth
~ evil doesn’t always show up at our door looking like a hungry bear

~ evil will often wear an ornate altar robe to hide their sharp sword
~ evil can be a sermon of vengeance that’s disguised as a prayer

~ war is usually the wailing love child of two ancient wars
~ that had a one-night stand under a dripping blood moon

~ revenge is a planet-killing comet that only creates new comets
~ an eye for an eye will leave us all completely blind soon

I don’t have any answer to this riddle of violence
I don’t know how to avert this slow-motion doomsday

I hope we will start to dig gardens instead of trenches
I am begging that soon we will embrace a gentler way

I can’t believe that searching for peace is a fool’s errand
I am okay being a cliche of a man wearing
Peace Dove tights

I will keep begging to Creation to thaw this winter of our hate
and to remind us that we forged to become children of lights

~ john roedel

John Roedel

What causes war

“Wars arise partly from commercial reasons, but they also arise from the ill-will, the anger, the conflict, and the “us versus them” mentality. That’s what causes war. So, we cannot find the antidote when we ourselves are still in that state of mind. It’s obvious, isn’t it? If we want peace, we have to have peace within ourselves first, because our society is the reflection of the inner psyche and the minds of the beings inhabiting that society. Who is society if not us? We make our own environment, we destroy our own environment. And as long as our minds are full of the 3 poisons – the poison of ignorance, delusion, and confusion – of not seeing clearly at all; the poison of our greed, incessant longing, wanting and the “I-must-have” mentality; and the poison of ill-will, anger, conflict– then that’s what society is going to give us back. It just mirrors back the state of our own minds -the state of our own psyches.”

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

Relaxing music to unwind: